WEP--Wired Equivalent Privacy
CCKM-- Centralized Key Management
AES--Advanced Encryption Standard
TKIP--Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
wpa实在wep之后发展起来的,相比wpa优点在于:1.使用了混合型临时密钥而不像wep使用静态永久密钥,2.采用每帧序列计数器(per frame sequence counters)
经由无线电波的WLAN没有同样的物理结构,因此容易受到***、干扰。WEP的目标就是通过对无线电波里的数据加密提供安全性,如同端-端发送一样。 WEP特性里使用了rsa数据安全性公司开发的rc4 ping算法。如果你的无线基站支持MAC过滤,推荐你连同WEP一起使用这个特性(MAC过滤比加密安全得多)。
细节 WEP 是1999年9月通过的 IEEE 802.11 标准的一部分,使用 RC4(Rivest Cipher) 串流加密技术达到机密性,并使用 CRC-32 验和达到资料正确性。
因为 RC4 是 stream cipher 的一种,同一个钥匙绝不能使用二次,所以使用(虽然是用明文传送的) IV 的目的就是要避免重复;然而 24 比特的 IV 并没有长到足以担保在忙碌的网络上不会重复,而且 IV 的使用方式也使其可能遭受到关连式钥匙***。亡羊补牢
对 WEP 安全问题最广为推荐的解法是换到 WPA 或 WPA2,不论哪个都比 WEP 安全。有些古老的 WiFi 取用点(access point)可能需要汰换或是把它们内存中的操作系统升级才行,不过替换费用相对而言并不贵。另一种方案是用某种穿隧协定,如IPsec。
CCKM is a term used in wireless networks. It stands for Cisco Centralized Key Management, which is a form of . When a is configured for fast reconnection, a enabled device can roam from one to another without involving the main . Using Centralized Key Management (CCKM), an access point configured to provide (WDS) takes the place of the server and authenticates the client without perceptible delay in voice or other time-sensitive applications.
Actually, the WDS (which can be run as a service on a Cisco Access Point or on various router modules) caches the user credentials after the initial log-on. The user must authenticate with the Radius server the first time - then he can roam between access points using cached credentials. This saves time in the roaming process, especially valuable for IP Telephones.
The current implementation of CCKM requires Cisco compatible hardware and either LEAP, EAP-FAST (CCXv3) or PEAP-GTC, PEAP-MSCHAP, EAP-TLS (CCXv4).
该算法为比利时密码学家Joan Daemen和Vincent Rijmen所设计,结合两位作者的名字,以Rijndael之命名之,投稿高级加密标准的甄选流程。(Rijdael的发音近于 "Rhine doll"。)
CCMP ( Protocol) is an encryption created to replace both , the mandatory protocol in WPA, and , the earlier, insecure protocol. CCMP is a mandatory part of the standard, an optional part of the standard, and a required option for Robust Security Network (RSN) Compliant networks. CCMP is also used in the home and business networking standard.
CCMP, part of the 802.11i standard, uses the (AES) algorithm. Unlike in , and is handled by a single component built around AES using a 128-bit key, a 128-bit block, and 10 rounds of encoding per the standard.
CCMP uses with the following parameters:
- M = 8 - indicating that the MIC is 8 octets,
- L = 2 - indicating that the Length field is 2 octets.
A CCMP Medium Access Control Protocol Data Unit (MPDU) comprises five sections: 1) MAC header, 2) CCMP header, 3) Data unit, 4) Message integrity code (MIC), and 5) Frame check sequence (FCS). Of these, only the data unit and MIC are encrypted.
The CCMP header is 8 octets and consists of the following fields:
- Packet Number (code sequence) (PN)
- Ext IV
- Key ID
The PN is a 48-bit number stored across 6 octets. The PN codes are the first two, and last four octets of the CCMP header and are incremented for each subsequent packet. Between the PN codes are a reserved octet, and a Key ID octet. The Key ID octet contains the Ext IV (bit 5), Key ID (bits 6-7), and a reserved subfields (bits 0-4).
CCMP uses these values to encrypt the data unit and the MIC. It combines the MPDU Address 2 and priority field, and the PN to create a nonce for the CCM algorithm. It then feeds the temporal key, the constructed nonce, certain header information, and the data unit, to the CCM originator. The CCM originator returns this encrypted data, and an MIC, which is combined with the unencrypted CCMP and MAC headers, and sequence check for transmission.